social media sensation Dr. Glaucomflecken and his hilarious look at the world of medicine.


Call for Posters

Present your poster at the MMA’s Empowering Physicians' Conference on September 27 

The MMA invites medical students, residents and fellows to submit an abstract to be considered for a poster presentation at the MMA’s Empowering Physicians Conference in Minneapolis. The symposium offers young physicians and students an opportunity to share their work and research with colleagues.    

 Primary authors of accepted posters receive complimentary registration for the conference and will be eligible to win a $500 cash prize!  Posters will be voted on by conference attendees and the winners will be announced prior to the evening keynote.  

Applicants should submit their abstract by July 15. 

Due to space constraints, only 12 posters will be accepted. 

Submit a poster

Rules and regulations:   

  • Each presenter may submit only one poster abstract for consideration.  

  • Presenting author must be a medical student, resident or fellow in Minnesota   

  • Poster abstract must be 500 words or less (author names do NOT count toward word limit)
    Abstract must be submitted by July 15.

    • Entries must include the following:   

      • Full name of author(s)   

      • Medical School or Residency Program   

      • Poster Title   

      • Posters presented at other conferences are eligible for entry   

  • Submitting author must be able to present his or her poster during the MMA’s Empowering Physicians Conference Friday, September 27 

  • Information regarding unapproved uses of approved products or investigational uses of unapproved products must be clearly presented with the following statement included on the poster: “The following information concerns a use that has not been approved by the U.S. Food and Drug Administration.”