MMA Awards

Each year, the MMA honors physicians and medical students in the state who have made outstanding contributions to their profession, their practice or the world around them.

How to Nominate

Take a look at our awards criteria to determine the appropriate award, and then fill out the nomination form online, or print it out and mail it in.

Nominations for MMA Awards will open in the spring of 2025.

Award Categories

Distinguished Service Award

This award is the MMA's highest honor. It is given to a physician who has made outstanding contributions in service to the MMA and on behalf of medicine and the physicians of Minnesota during his or her career.

President's Award

This award is designated for individuals who have made outstanding contributions in service to the goals of the MMA - making Minnesotans the healthiest in the nation; and making Minnesota the best place to practice. 

Medical Student Leadership Award

This award honors a member of the MMA Medical Student Section who demonstrates outstanding commitment to the medical profession.

Resident & Fellow Leadership Award

This award honors a member of the MMA Resident & Fellow Section who demonstrates outstanding commitment to the medical profession.

Copic/MMA Foundation Humanitarian Award

This award is presented each year to honor a physician for volunteer medical services and contributions to their community, specifically to MMA members who go above and beyond to help address the health care needs of underserved populations in Minnesota. The recipient of the award designates a $10,000 donation from Copic to be provided to a health care-related 501(c)(3) organization within Minnesota.

Eric C. Dick Memorial Health Policy Partner Award

This award shall be given to an individual, group of individuals, a project or an organization that demonstrates their commitment to pursuing sound public policy, building coalitions, creating and/or strengthening partnerships with the goal of improving the health of Minnesotans or the practice of medicine in Minnesota. Dick was the MMA's manager of state legislative affairs from 2010 until his death in January 2021.

James H. Sova Memorial Award for Advocacy

James H. Sova was the chief lobbyist for the MMA from 1968 until the time of his death at the AMA meeting in December 1981. This award shall be made to a person who has made a significant contribution to the advancement of public policy, medical sciences, medical education, medical care or the socio-economics of medical practice.

Recent MMA Award Recipients

Distinguished Service Award

Year    Recipient
2024    David L. Estrin, MD
2023    George Schoephoerster, MD
2022    Bob Moravec, MD
2021    Kathryn Lombardo, MD
2020    David C. Thorson, MD
2019    Donald Jacobs, MD
2018    Cindy Firkins Smith, MD
2017    Benjamin Whitten, MD
2016    Patricia Lindholm, MD
2015    Patrick Zook, MD
2014    Paul Matson, MD
2013    Macaran A Baird, MD
2012    John Van Etta, MD
2011    Anthony C Jaspers, MD

Year    Recipient
2010    Douglas L Wood, MD
2009    Terence P Cahill, MD
2008    G. Richard Geier Jr, MD
2007    Blanton Bessinger, MD, MBA
2006    Frank J Indihar, MD, MBA
2005    Timothy J Crimmins, MD
2004    Judith F Shank, MD
2003    Lyle Munneke, MD
2002    None
2001    Raymond G. Christensen, MD
2000    Paul S. Sanders, MD

Eric C. Dick Memorial Health Policy Partner Award

Year    Recipient
2024   Minnesota Rare Disease Advisory Council 
2023   Hennepin Healthcare
2022   Minnesota Chapter, American Academy of Pediatrics
2021    NAMI Minnesota

James H. Sova Memorial Award for Advocacy

Year    Recipient
2024   Rep. Tina Liebling
2023    Ruth Martinez, MA
2022    Rachel Hardeman, PhD, MPH
2021    Jan Malcolm
2020    Rep. Kelly Morrison, MD
2020    Sen. Julie Rosen
2019    Jeffrey Schiff, MD
2017    Andy Slavitt
2016    Sen. Melisa Franzen
2014    Rep. Thomas Huntley
2007    Rep. Thomas Huntley
2005    Jan Malcolm
2004    David Durenberger

MMA Foundation/Copic Humanitarian Award

(Prior to 2020, this award was named the MMA Foundation Physician Volunteerism Award)

Year    Recipient
2024   Tori Bahr, MD
2023   Janet Chestnut, MD
2022    Carolyn “Carrie” Stelter, MD
2021    Matt Bernard, MD
2020    Thomas Schrup, MD
2019    John Goeppinger, MD
2018    Dann Heilman, MD

Medical Student Section Award

Year    Recipient
2024  Rashika Shetty
2023   Nick Hable, MPH
2023   Sally Jeon
2022    Michael Kelly
2022    Sinibaldo Romero Arocha
2021    Dominique Earland
2020    Derrick Lewis
2020    June Zolfaghari
2019    Tom Schmidt
2018    Abby Solom
2017    Alexander Feng
2017    Nathan Ratner
2016    Courtney Moors
2015   Elizabeth Fracica

Year   Recipient
2013    Mark E Bergstrand
2011    Shayla M Wilson
2010    Elizabeth R Vogel, MD
2009    Nicole J Te Poel, MD
2008    Andrew P Landstrom
2007    Nicholas A Zane, MD
2006    Lisa J Maurer, MD
2005    Colin M Segovis, MD
2004    Aaron L Nelson, MD
2004    Stephanie D Stanton, MD

President's Award

Year    Recipient
2024   Natalia Dorf Biderman, MD, SFHM
2024   Colin West, MD, PhD
2023   Patrick Bigaouette, MD
2023   Charles Crutchfield III, MD
2023   Larry Hook, MD
2022    Deb Dittberner, MD
2022    Carolyn McClain, MD
2021    Jill Amsberry, DO
2021    Nathan Chomilo, MD
2020    Heather Bell, MD, and Kurt DeVine, MD
2020    John Hick, MD
2020    Ruth Lynfield, MD
2019    Kathryn Duevel, MD
2019    George Lohmer
2018    Thomas Kottke, MD
2018    Charlie Reznikoff, MD
2017    Dionne Hart, MD
2017    Christopher Reif, MD
2016    Sally Trippel, MD
2015    George Schoephoerster, MD
2015    Steven Meister, MD
2015    Jane Willet, DO
2014    Beth Baker, MD
2013    Fred T Nobrega, MD
2013    Erick Reeber, MD
2011    Kenneth W Crabb, MD
2010   Linda L Van Etta, MD

2010    Nicholas F Reuter, MD
2010    Frank B Cerra, MD
2009    Edward P Ehlinger, MD, MSPH
2009    Harriet Hodgson
2008    Stephen L Hadley, MD
2008    John W Larsen, MD
2008    David L Estrin, MD
2007    John R Balfanz, MD
2007    Patrick J Zook, MD
2007    George D Malkasian Jr, MD
2007    Roger K Johnson, CAE
2006    Jane Abrams
2006    Noel R Peterson, MD, MS
2005    Charles R Helleloid, MD
2005    Bruce A Norback, MD
2004    Fred T Nobrega, MD
2004    Edward A Spenny, MD
2004    Frank J Indihar, MD, MBA
2004    John V Thomas, MD
2004    Anthony C Jaspers, MD
2004    Lee H Beecher, MD
2004    Dianne Fenyk

Resident and Fellow Leadership Award

Year    Recipient
2024   Jack McHugh, MB BCh, BAO
2023   Rebecca Yao, MD, MPH
2022    Dan Pfeifle, MD
2021    J.P. Janowski, MD