The MMA supports physicians and patients through advocacy on crucial issues affecting the health of Minnesotans and the practice of medicine.

2024 Legislative Priorities

Prohibit the use of prior authorization (PA) for services where we don’t want barriers to care. 
This includes eliminating PA for preventive services, generic drugs, outpatient cancer treatment, outpatient mental health/chemical dependency treatment, and medication-assisted treatment (MAT). In addition, the MMA will work toward limiting PA for chronic conditions to just a one-time approval, eliminating PA for value-based contracts, and eliminating PA for providers whose approval rates are within the norm for approvals.  

Limit mid-year formulary changes for prescription drugs.
This ensures that patients can't be forced by their insurer to change medications until the end of their health insurance contract. It also requires that health plans use “real-time benefit tools” to inform practitioners whether a prescribed drug is covered. 

Promote physician wellness services. 
This includes prohibiting credentialing applications from asking applicants about past health issues; protecting medical information disclosed as part of SafeHaven, the MMA’s new confidential, physician wellness program; and funding a public awareness campaign to encourage physicians to seek care. It also would include establishing a recognition program for hospitals and systems that promote workforce wellness. 

Address substance use morbidity and mortality through a public health lens by supporting the legislative work of the Harm Reduction Collaborative. 
This would include promoting the use of MAT in prisons, jails, and sober homes; and strengthening Minnesota’s Good Samaritan law for seeking help during a drug overdose and providing safe recovery sites. 

Implement and fund an electronic registry for POLST (Provider Orders for Life Sustaining Treatment) forms. 


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Minnesota Senate Website 


2024 Legislative Session in Review

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Key Initiatives

See the full list of MMA Priority issues and find information and resources useful to your practice.

Key Initiatives


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