Kurt-DeVine,-MD---Photo.jpgFebruary 2025 Advocacy Champion

Kurt M. DeVine MD, FASAM

Addiction Medicine
Medical Director of Addiction Services

1) Why is being an advocate so important to you?
Early in my career, I don’t think I really understood the importance of being an advocate. In the usual clinic day, we often see the way stigma and inequities affect the care of certain patient populations, and to be honest, it often seemed easier to accept it because “it had always been that way.”  As my career evolved, it became obvious to me that I could improve the lives of not just my patients, but that of addiction patients throughout the state by advocating for better access to care in rural areas, emergency departments, and county jails. Early success in these areas helped me understand the importance of continuing to advocate for those whose lives are impacted by addiction, in an effort to improve the care they receive in every clinic, hospital and county jail.
2) What health-care related issue(s) have you advocated for over the past year?
During the last year, I have been the co-chair of two Minnesota Department of Health (MDH) task forces dealing with substance use disorders (SUD). The first task force examined pregnancy health and SUD, and they have developed recommendations to present to the legislature regarding testing and reporting protocols for pregnant patients. The second task force, Holistic and Effective Responses to Illicit Drug Use, was a much more comprehensive look at the many barriers to treatment and recovery that patients with addiction have, and how we as a state can improve on our current approach. For both of these task forces, I was honored to be asked by the MMA to represent them.

3) What advice would you offer to others who are interested in advocacy?
My advice to others is get involved at whatever level you are able, and don’t settle for “how it has always been.” I am blessed to have a position at CentraCare which allows and encourages me to get involved to not only improve the lives of patients in Central Minnesota, but that of patients throughout the state. I suspect most health systems would also look upon your advocacy as a benefit to their patients, so find something you are passionate about and make a difference!