MMA Physician Wellness Legislation Heard in Senate Judiciary Committee

March 28, 2024

An MMA priority bill to improve physician wellness went before its second Senate committee on March 27.

Firearm Safety Legislation Moving in Both House and Senate

March 28, 2024

Several MMA-supported firearm safety bills are working their way through the Capitol.

MMA Offering Discounted Pricing on Opioid Prescribing Training to Fulfill DEA Requirement

March 28, 2024

As of June 27, 2023, U.S. Drug Enforcement Administration (DEA) license holders, upon initial registration or renewal, are required to complete at least eight hours of training in the treatment or management of patients with opioid or other substance use disorders. 

Physician Specializing in Rare Diseases Sought by State Agency

March 28, 2024

The Minnesota Rare Disease Advisory Council (RDAC) is looking for a physician licensed and practicing in the state with experience researching, diagnosing, or treating rare diseases. The three-year term begins in January 2025. 

House Committee Passes a Package of Scope of Practice Bills

March 21, 2024

The House Health Finance and Policy Committee heard HF 4247 (Liebling, DFL– Rochester), an omnibus bill that includes mostly non–controversial scope of practice changes. Fortunately, the bill does not include two scope of practice changes that the MMA opposed.  

Measles Cases Rising Dramatically in U.S., Tied to International Travel

March 21, 2024

With the recent increase in measles cases in the United States, Minnesota physicians are warned to be on the lookout for patients presenting with rash, fever, and cough, coryza, or conjunctivitis, and to isolate these possible measles cases. 

Childhood Vaccination Legislation Meets Deadline

March 21, 2024

The House Children and Families Finance and Policy Committee passed HF 367 (Freiberg, DFL – Minneapolis), a bill that would allow childcare facilities to require that participants meet certain vaccination requirements.  

MMA Supports Mandated Coverage for IVF

March 21, 2024

The MMA recently signed onto a letter of support for SF 1704 (Maye Quade, DFL – Apple Valley), the MN Building Families Act, which mandates insurance coverage of in-vitro fertilization (IVF) services, sparing couples the financial challenges otherwise taken on while trying to get pregnant. 

MN Departments of Commerce, Health Urge Health Plans to Act in Wake of Cyberattack

March 21, 2024

In a joint memo sent March 12, the commissioners of the Minnesota Department of Commerce and Minnesota Department of Health urged health plans to take several actions in response to the Change Healthcare cyberattack. 

MMA Joins Coalition That Hopes to “Reduce the Rancor” in Politics

March 21, 2024

The MMA has joined a statewide campaign that calls on Minnesotans across the political spectrum to help reduce hostile polarization during what promises to be a politically divisive election year.

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