New Legislative Session Kicks Off in St. Paul

January 5, 2023

In a mostly ceremonial session, the 93rd Minnesota Legislature kicked-off in St. Paul on January 3 with all 201 legislators being sworn in at the Capitol. It’s the first time since 2014 that the DFL has had majorities in both chambers.

MDH Releases Updated Childhood Blood Lead Screening Guidelines

January 5, 2023

The Minnesota Department of Health (MDH) Lead Poisoning Prevention Program has posted online its 2022 revision of the Childhood Blood Lead Screening Guidelines for Minnesota.

MMA Obtains BMP Clarification on Reporting of Mandatory Opioid Education CME

January 5, 2023

The MMA asked the Board of Medical Practice (BMP) to provide further information about credit submission processes for physicians who have completed legislatively mandated education on prescribing opioids and other controlled substances by the December 31, 2022, deadline, but have not reported it to the BMP.

Congress Fails to Stop Medicare Physician Payment Cut

December 22, 2022

Congress has reached an end-of-session agreement that results in a 2% cut in physician Medicare payment for 2023, and at least another 1.5% cut in 2024.

State Launches Virtual Treatment App for COVID-19

December 22, 2022

On December 19, the State of Minnesota launched a new telehealth test-to-treat program to ensure Minnesotans who have tested positive for COVID-19 have easy access to clinician care and therapeutic treatments that reduce their risk of serious illness or hospitalization.

MMA Foundation Distributes $13K in Grants

December 22, 2022

The MMA Foundation has awarded nearly $13,000 in grants to impact the scholarship of seven medical students and residents at Minnesota medical schools and residency programs.

CMS Aims to Reduce Prior Authorization Burdens through Proposed Rule

December 15, 2022

On December 6, the Centers for Medicare and Medicaid Services (CMS) released a proposed rule that would improve the ease and timeliness of prior authorization (PA) for patients covered by certain payers.

Board Approves Policy Proposal on Decriminalizing Simple Possession of Illicit Drugs

December 15, 2022

At its December 12 meeting, the MMA Board of Trustees approved a policy proposal submitted through The Pulse on the “Decriminalization of Simple Possession of Illicit Drugs.”

Provider Tax to Be Reduced to 1.6% in 2023

December 15, 2022

Based on a law passed in 2011, Minnesota’s provider tax, which is assessed on the gross revenues received by physicians and other healthcare providers for patient services, will be reduced by 11% for 2023—from 1.8% to 1.6%.

MMA Urges Members to Reach Out to Congress to Stop Medicare Payment Cuts

December 8, 2022

The MMA sent out an Action Alert on December 6 urging its members to contact their members of Congress to stop a scheduled 4.5% across-the-board cut to physician Medicare payments.

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