
The MMA Healthcare Career Center is free to all physicians and provides access to the best career information in the area. Employers can target their physician recruiting and reach thousands of qualified candidates.

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Our Career Center is here to help you:

  • Post your resume 
  • Review career opportunities 
  • Receive new job alerts 
  • Email your resume
  • Find that perfect job!

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Post a Job

Post your job on a site with more than 1,200 unique visitors monthly. It’s easy to:

  • Log in and set up an account 
  • Post your jobs 
  • Receive new resume alerts 
  • Review our services and rates
  • Find that perfect candidate!

Post a Job Now

You Have Options

For only $149 for 30 days, you can post your position on the MMA’s Physician Career Center each month. But you also have a choice. 

You could post to the National HealthCare Career Network (NHCN) where more than 50,000 jobs have been posted. The NHCN is comprised of nearly 250 professional associations with more than 2 million members including the National Hospital Association and multiple national specialty society job boards. For more information about NHCN, go to www.NHCNnetwork.org

If you have any questions, please contact Dan Hauser 612-362-3726 or our job board Customer Services at 888-491-8833.